BodyWise Osteopathy

Applied Rehabilitaton Pilates. backpain2008

Noel Adams Registered Osteopath 07973635017

Applied Rehabilitation Pilates
Pilates is now a well known form of exercise and rehabilitation and is common in many gyms and healthclubs. However, gym and healthclub classes commonly teach traditional Pilates excercises which are very demanding on the average body. These exercises can be unsafe for some individuals with clinical Low Back Pain (LBP)as they use long lever techniques which place large pressure onto already compromised spinal joints.

Rehabilitation Pilates focuses on retraining the deep abdominal, pelvic floor and low back muscles which are vital in stabilising the spine, and helping recovery from Low Back Pain.

Indications for Rehabilitation Pilates include:

  • recovery from spinal surgery
  • low back pain during or after pregnancy
  • low back pain associated with slipped disc or sciatic pain
  • long standing joint pain

    Improved core stability helps to improve posture and helps reduce the reoccurance of back problems. Applied Rehabilitation Pilates can be incorporated with your osteopathic appointment with Noel.

    Noel is Registered with the General Osteopathic Council and a Member of the British Osteopathic Association.

    If you have any questions regarding how I can help you, please contact me (Mon to Sat, 9am - 7pm) on 07973 635017 for a no obligation chat about your symptoms, alternatively feel free to email me. Please be aware that a complete diagnosis is not possible without a thorough case history and examination.

    My approach to treatment is to use my knowledge of Osteopathy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture and Applied Pilates to tailor treatment for each individuals needs.

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